Dentists serving The Colony, Kings Ridge, Kings Gate
Our dentists offer care ranging from routine checkups to restorative and advanced cosmetic procedures.
Su médico de cabecera e higienista proporcionan cheques, exámenes, limpiezas y servicios de rutina, como coronas y protectores bucales.
Los médicos generalistas y los periodoncistas se centran en la odontología general y la salud de las encías para evitar futuros problemas de salud bucal.
Los ortodoncistas diagnostican y tratan las irregularidades dentales: enderezan los dientes y ayudan con los problemas de mordida.
Los dentistas (DMD o DDS) trabajan para mejorar la apariencia de los dientes, las encías y la mordida. Esto puede incluir coronas y carillas.
Los dentistas se centran en reparar o reemplazar los dientes dañados o faltantes para ayudar a mejorar la salud bucal, incluidas las dentaduras postizas, las coronas y las endodoncias.
Los cirujanos orales realizan injertos óseos, sedación dental y extracciones complicadas, incluidas las muelas del juicio.
Los médicos generalistas y los cirujanos orales tratarán los dolores de muelas intensos, las extracciones de emergencia y las endodoncias de emergencia.
Everyone deserves quality dental care. We offer payment and financing options for accessibility and affordability.
We accept most insurance plans.
We work with you to get you the dental care you need with our Ideal Dental Plan.
We offer tailored financing options through CareCredit.
We offer tailored financing options through HFD.
I have received periodontal treatment, preventive cleaning, fillings, and redoing of an old broken crown from Dr Deanna at Castle Hills for past 3 years. Dr, her hygienists and the practice managers work as one great team delivering outstanding patient experience each visit. Once when dentist had to take sick day off, instead of canceling patients I got treated by an oncall dentist from the corporate who treated me with utmost care like long-term patient. Easy appointments, no delays, exceptional care. Look no further. Schedule your appointment.most insurance accepted and they will file if you have multiple insurances.
I was greeted, as always, with cheery smiles and was soon attended for a post-op checkup. I had a molar extracted 6 days ago and was pleased to be informed that all was good. No complications thanks to a very professional procedure done by a team of professionals!
I’m absolutely terrified of going to the dentist, but treats me so kind and gently that it’s a less scary experience. They really show that they care about you and your teeth!