Why You Need White Teeth Today

Why You Need White Teeth Today

How white is your smile? Age, diet, and oral health challenges can dim your white smile and affect all areas of your life. Here are the top reasons why you need a white smile today.

Recover Your Oral Health

Tooth stains can be an indicator of plaque or tartar buildup, poor diet, or tooth trauma. When you consult with your dentist about your teeth color, you can identify the root causes of discoloration. Then, you can take steps to improve your overall oral health and your tooth appearance.

Quit Smoking

Tar and nicotine discolor teeth. Your desire for a white smile can motivate you to quit smoking. As you reach your quitting goals, you can invest in teeth whitening and show off your smile and your victory.

Counter Dietary Choices

Coffee, tea, wine, berries, and soy sauce are a few dietary choices that taste delicious but may stain or discolor your teeth. With tooth whitening, you can reduce the effects of these beverages and foods.

Look Years Younger

Your tooth enamel wears down as you age, which can reveal the dentin layer and cause discoloration. Whiten your teeth to shave years off your appearance. You’re also more likely to smile when your teeth are white, which can minimize the appearance of wrinkles. You may look and feel more youthful when you brighten your teeth.

Make a Good Impression

Your reputation matters during professional, social, and recreational events. If you’re embarrassed by your teeth color, you may withdraw or refuse to smile, which can cause people to think that you’re rude, arrogant, or unapproachable. With white teeth, you’re ready to make a good impression with coworkers and clients, on dates, before big events like school reunions, weddings, holiday gatherings, and when you travel for business or vacation.

Boost Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

When your teeth are discolored, yellowing or stained, you feel self-conscious. As a result, you hide your teeth, keep your mouth closed, and may withdraw from friends and social situations. Improve your self-esteem, rediscover your confidence and live your dream life when you whiten your teeth.

Improve Your Mood

Smiling can boost your mood and make you feel instantly happier, energetic, and enthusiastic. You may find yourself smiling more often and experiencing a more positive, hopeful, and upbeat mood as you show off your white teeth. As a bonus, your smile can be contagious and improve the moods of the people around you, too.

Whiten Your Teeth at Ideal Dental Today

You can begin whitening your teeth today. The professionals at your local Ideal Dental office offer professional whitening treatments that give you a healthier and brighter smile. Our expert approach includes customized trays that are fit specifically to your teeth and worn at home. With our personalized approach, you experience fewer complications like tooth sensitivity or damaged gums and achieve a whiter result that matches your complexion and needs. Find your local Ideal Dental location today for teeth whitening treatment and all the benefits of a sparkling smile.

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Ready to start your journey to your ideal smile? Let Ideal Dental’s professionals take care of it. Schedule your appointment online today!

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