Why and How Often are X-Rays Necessary?

Even though the amount of radiation you are exposed to with dental x-rays is fairly low, you still don’t want to have them taken if they aren’t needed. Learning more about dental x-rays can help you understand why they are necessary and how often they should be taken.

Dental X-Rays Help Dentists Better Understand Your Oral Health

Not every dental problem can be diagnosed with a visual examination. Some problems, such as gum disease, tooth decay, or cavities can only be seen with the help of dental x-rays.X-rays can help dentists identify the following types of problems:

  • Tooth decay that is forming between your teeth or along the gums
  • Dental fillings that are “failing” – a dental filling is thought to be “failing” when there is no longer a tight seal that protects the tooth. Without the tight seal, decay can form underneath the filling and cause a number of dental problems
  • Formation of tumors or cysts
  • Bone loss caused by severe gum disease
  • Abscesses
  • Positioning of the teeth, jaw, and other facial bones  

X-Rays Help with the Early Detection and Treatment of Many Dental Problems

The information provided by x-rays can help dentists detect a number of dental problems in the early stages. Early detection and treatment of dental problems, such as cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease, can help save you money, prevent you from having to undergo uncomfortable treatments, improve your oral health and prevent you from potentially experiencing a painful dental emergency.

Frequency of Dental X-Rays Varies from Patient to Patient

In the past, many dentists required dental x-rays to be taken on a yearly basis for all patients, but that has changed. Now, dentists determine how often x-rays should be taken on a case-by-case basis.Dentists consider the following things when determining how often x-rays should be taken:

  • Previous medical history
  • Previous dental history
  • Age
  • Risk factor for developing certain dental problems

How Often Should You Get Dental X-Rays?

Every dental patient is different. Some patients may need more dental x-rays because they are at risk of developing certain dental problems or they have a history of gum or dental disease.The following are basic guidelines that many dentists follow when determining how often dental x-rays should be taken:

  • Adult with no history of gum or dental disease – every 24 to 36 months unless a dental problem develops
  • Adults who are at high risk for developing gum or dental disease – every 12 to 18 months
  • Adults with a history of gum or dental disease – frequency varies depending upon if symptoms are present. If no symptoms are present, x-rays may be taken less frequently.
  • Teens with a history of tooth decay or other dental problems – every 6 to 12 months until all decay has been properly treated
  • Teens with no history of tooth decay or other dental problems – every 18 to 24 months
  • Children with a history of tooth decay or dental problems – every 6 months
  • Children with no history of tooth decay – every 12 to 24 months

These are just basic guidelines that most dentists use to determine how often x-rays should be taken. Depending upon your unique situation, you may need to have more x-rays taken.Think you might be due to get dental x-rays taken? Find your local Ideal Dental office to discuss your individual situation, make an appointment, and determine if x-rays need to be taken.

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