Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Statistics show that approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and 40 million are missing all their teeth. Dental implants are often the first choice of treatment for missing teeth since they offer a long-lasting solution.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that provides a permanent base for a fixed, replacement tooth. A dental implant can replace one or more of your teeth. Implants can even replace all of your teeth if necessary since they have the same security, function, and appearance as natural teeth.

The Ideal Dental Implant Candidate

Whether you are a good candidate for a dental implant depends on a number of factors. The ideal dental implant candidate meets the following criteria:

  • Is in good general health.
  • Has generally good oral health.
  • Has an adequate jaw bone such that it can support a dental implant.
  • Is free from periodontal disease.
  • Is a non-smoker.

Evaluation and Assessment of Whether You are a Good Dental Implant Candidate

To determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants, your implant specialist will begin by making a thorough evaluation of your jaw, teeth, mouth, and your overall health. X-rays will be taken and, in some cases, a CT (Computerized Tomography) scan may be needed to assess the condition of your bones, sinuses, and nerve locations.

Factors That May Indicate You are Not a Good Candidate for Dental Implants

There are some risk factors that may need more careful evaluation before you risk having dental implants. Examples are:

  • You are taking medications like steroids or immunosuppressants.
  • You have an autoimmune disorder.
  • You have uncontrolled diabetes.
  • You have uncontrolled periodontal disease.
  • You are a smoker and refuse to give it up.
  • You severely grind your teeth or clench your jaws together.
  • You have had radiation to your jaw.
  • You are undergoing treatment for cancer.

Even if you are at high risk, it may still be possible for you to have dental implants depending on your specific situation, including your overall health.You may need more preparation before undergoing the implant procedure. For just one example, if you have lost bone in your jaw, a bone graft may be used to rebuild your jaw so that an implant is possible. This may be recommended in some cases to prevent further bone loss.

Find Out if You Are a Candidate for Dental Implants

If you are interested in dental implants, but unsure about whether you are a good candidate, schedule a consultation appointment with one of our exceptional dentists who will discuss your options with you. Find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule a visit.

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