What to do When Your Child's Baby Tooth is Loose

At around the age of six or seven years old, the first baby teeth usually start to get wiggly. This process is perfectly normal—those first teeth are being pushed out of the way to make room for permanent teeth. So, as a parent, what should you do when your child has a loose baby tooth? Below is a closer look at what you can do, tips along the way, and more.

Tips for Easing a Child's Fears of Loose Baby Teeth

You may be excited to see that your child has hit a new milestone. However, for the child, the idea of losing a tooth can sound a little intimidating. If your child is afraid of losing a baby tooth, you may be able to soothe their fears with a bit of reassurance. Let them know that everyone goes through losing their baby teeth, and this means they will be getting an all-new grown-up tooth. Make sure the child knows that losing a tooth doesn't necessarily hurt. And, of course, reminders about the tooth fairy collecting the little treasure in exchange for treasure can be calming.

Allow the Natural Process as Much as Possible

The best rule of thumb to follow when your child's baby tooth is loose is to be patient and allow nature to take its course. The tooth will gradually get more wiggly, and your child will likely do a lot of wiggling as well. Eventually, the tooth will fall out relatively easily with just a tiny bit of bleeding involved.If the tooth gets to the point where it is extremely loose, you can also help your child pull the tooth. According to the American Dental Association, you can pull a loose tooth by:

  1. Folding a small piece of gauze or tissue over the tooth
  2. Squeeze to get a grip on the tooth
  3. Apply gentle force to tug the tooth out of place

What if a Baby Tooth Doesn't Come Out?

If a baby tooth doesn't get loose by around the age of seven, it may be best to schedule a checkup. While all children experience baby tooth loss at different ages, this may be a sign that something is not progressing as it should. Issues with baby teeth not dislodging can lead to the need for orthodontics or braces later on.

What to Do After the Tooth Comes Out

Help with Oral Care

Show your child how to brush and rinse after losing the tooth. Usually, the area will be a little tender but nothing significant, so regular oral hygiene should be followed.

Watch for Signs That Something Is Wrong

If there is excessive bleeding after the tooth comes out, instruct your child to bite down on a clean piece of gauze to apply pressure. However, if the bleeding doesn't stop, reach out to a dentist for advice.

Keep Your Child's Smile Protected with Ideal Dental

Losing baby teeth is an important milestone in pediatric oral health. If you have questions about your child's baby teeth, reach out to us at Ideal Dental. Find your local Ideal Dental office to get started today.

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