Synthetic vs. Natural Bone Grafts: Which Option Is Best?

Bone grafting is an oral surgical procedure where bone tissue is used to repair or rebuild damaged or missing bones. It is often used to support dental implants or restore jawbone structure.  When choosing a bone graft, it’s important to understand the differences between synthetic and natural bone grafts to make an informed decision that’s best for your dental health. 

This article examines synthetic and natural bone grafts, their benefits, and considerations to determine which is best for your needs. 

What Are Bone Grafts and Why Are They Needed?

Purpose of Bone Grafts in Dentistry

Bone grafts restore lost or weakened bone structure caused by tooth loss, trauma, or disease. They provide a stable foundation for dental implants or other restorative treatments and stimulate tissue growth to help restore bone strength and rigidity.

Common Situations Requiring Bone Grafts

  • Strengthening the jawbone area in preparation for adding dental implants.
  • Repairing jawbone defects or resorption.
  • Maintaining bone structure after a tooth extraction.
  • Regenerating lost bone due to gum disease or missing teeth.

Overview of Synthetic Bone Grafts

What Are Synthetic Bone Grafts?

Synthetic bone grafts are man-made grafts meant to mimic natural bone. They are made from biocompatible materials such as calcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, or bioactive glass.

Benefits of Synthetic Bone Grafts

  • Unlimited supply and consistent quality.
  • No risk of disease transmission or immune rejection.
  • Gradual integration with the natural bone through osteoconduction, where graft material provides a scaffold for new bone cells to grow on.
  • They require only one procedure instead of the two needed from natural grafts. 

Potential Drawbacks of Synthetic Bone Grafts

  • They may take longer to integrate fully with natural bone, which could lead to a longer healing time. 
  • They’re not always the best option for large or complex grafting needs since they are typically not as strong as natural bone. 
  • Synthetic grafts may lead to limited bone growth stimulation. 

Overview of Natural Bone Grafts

What Are Natural Bone Grafts?

Natural bone grafts can be divided into three different categories: 

  • Autograft: Autografts use bone from your own body, typically the hip or jaw. 
  • Allograft: Allografts are bone grafts using donor material.
  • Xenograft: Xenografts are bone or skin that’s taken from an animal, most often a pig or cow.

Benefits of Natural Bone Grafts

Each type of natural bone graft option has its own unique advantages, such as: 


  • No risk of disease transmission.
  • High success rate.
  • Contains live bone cells, which promote faster healing.


  • Readily available and effective without the need for a secondary surgical site.
  • Low risk of disease spread.
  • Doesn’t require removing tissue from other parts of your body. 


  • Effective for providing structure while the body replaces the graft with natural bone.
  • Doesn’t require a second procedure. 
  • May be more cost-effective than allografts. 

Potential Drawbacks of Natural Bone Grafts

However, each natural bone graft option also has some drawbacks to be aware of, such as: 


  • Requires a second surgical site, increasing recovery time.
  • Smaller sites like the jaw may not provide enough bone for large grafts.

Allografts and Xenografts

  • Does not provide living bone cells or growth factors, which could lead to a slower recovery. 
  • The immune system may reject the donor material, which could lead to graft failure. 

Comparing Synthetic and Natural Bone Grafts

When deciding on a synthetic or natural bone graft, consider factors such as the integration with the existing bone, the availability and cost, and the risk factors associated with each.

Integration With Existing Bone

Natural grafts typically integrate faster than synthetic grafts due to their biological properties, although that may vary depending on whether you opt for an allograft, autograft, or xenograft. 

Synthetic grafts rely on osteoconduction, which typically takes longer to integrate, but does provide consistent results. 

Availability and Cost

Synthetic grafts are often more affordable and more readily available than natural grafts. Natural grafts, particularly autografts, may involve higher costs and additional procedures which can be time-consuming and not cost-effective. 

Risk Factors

Another benefit of synthetic grafts is that they carry no risk of disease or transmission. However, the integration of graft materials may take longer overall. 

On the other hand, allografts or xenografts may involve a small risk of immune rejection or infection with donor materials. Autografts have no risk of infection or disease but require two procedures, which could lead to a longer recovery. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bone Graft

When choosing a graft material, you should also think carefully about the purpose of the graft and what material suits it best. Also consider your personal health history and preferences, and the recommendation of your oral surgeon.

Purpose of the Graft

Synthetic materials are a good choice for small procedures like minor socket preservation or a single-tooth implant. However, natural grafts may be more effective for larger reconstructions or complex cases, such as major raw reconstruction or ridge augmentation.

Patient’s Health and Preferences

Before getting any complex dental procedure done, it’s important to consider your own medical history, allergies, and how comfortable you are using donor materials (if considering an allograft or xenograft). 

For example, synthetic or xenografts may be ideal for guests with osteoporosis or low bone density, as autografts may not be strong enough to be effective, and allografts may take too long to integrate. However, guests with a history of smoking may have slow overall healing and may be better off with an autograft. 

Surgeon’s Recommendation

Your oral surgeon’s expertise and experience is also important to lean on when choosing a bone graft material. They will be able to provide you with a full overview of both synthetic and natural grafts and how they may apply to your specific dental needs.

Advances in Bone Grafting Technology

In recent years, developments in bone grafting technology have also gone a long way to making grafting procedures more effective and efficient. Here are some key highlights to be aware of. 

Hybrid Grafts

Hybrid grafts in dentistry combine synthetic and natural materials, which can provide the best of both worlds in complex cases. In the right circumstances, using a hybrid graft can lead to faster healing time and bone integration, and they can be customized to account for a patient’s medical history and specific needs. 

Growth Factors

Some grafting procedures also use Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) or Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) to enhance healing and integration. 

In PRP procedures, blood is drawn, spun in a centrifuge to isolate platelets, and then mixed with bone graft. PRP procedures can release growth factors quickly which can help with the initial healing process.

In PRF procedures, blood is spun at a lower speed, creating a fibrin matrix that slowly releases platelets. This can form a natural scaffold that releases growth factors over time and assists with long-term healing.

Future Innovations

Research into 3D-printed grafts and stem cell-enhanced materials has also opened up the possibility for more personalized dental grafting solutions in the future. Bioactive 3D-printed scaffolds infused with stem cells are being researched to create living bone grafts. Hybrid printing is also being used to create synthetic and natural materials for enhanced integration.

Dental Bone Grafting is Available at Your Local Ideal Dental

Both synthetic and natural bone grafts have unique benefits and considerations. The best bone graft solution for you will depend on the specific needs of your dental restoration, as well as the professional recommendation of your oral surgeon. Schedule a consultation with Ideal Dental to discuss your bone grafting options and create a plan tailored to your oral health.

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