Sleep and Oral Health

You already know if you don’t get enough sleep, it affects your day. You might feel tired and have trouble concentrating. Did you also know that sleep is critical for good dental health? What is going on in your mouth when you don’t get enough sleep?

Sleep Helps Fight Infection

The most important connection between sleep and oral health involves your immune system. Your immune system is how your body fights off an infection, and sleep is how you recharge it. This is especially important when it comes to dental health. Your mouth is full of bacteria, which can cause infections. Without a strong immune system, that bacteria damage both your teeth and gums. That is what leads to cavities and, eventually, gum disease.

Sleep Makes You More Attentive

When you are more attentive, you will likely brush and floss better. If you wake up tired, you will stumble through most of your day, including brushing. You can quickly lose focus, which means more bacteria in your mouth and a higher risk of dental problems.

Sleep Helps Your Body Repair Tooth Enamel

Sleep is when your body takes care of all the minor problems that affect your health. For example, it repairs blood vessels and tissue damaged during the day. Without that maintenance, your cardiovascular system and blood vessels might not transport essential nutrients that you use to reinforce and rebuild tooth enamel, such as calcium. Strong enamel protects your teeth from cavities, infection, and even breaking.

Problems That Effect Your Sleep

There are many reasons people don’t sleep well. For example, sleep apnea can affect how much quality sleep you get. So can grinding your teeth at night. Sometimes, it is a matter of lifestyle. You may go to bed and get up at different times each day. The body does better with a set sleep schedule. It might be the environment you sleep in that is making you restless. Maybe there is too much noise or light. All these issues can mean you wake up often and struggle to sleep.

Getting Your Best Night’s Sleep

All it might take to start sleeping better is a few changes in how you do things.

Set a Sleep Schedule

Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule gets your body used to the routine and may help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Create a Relaxing Place to Sleep

Get in the habit of putting things like phones away at night. Even a little bit of light can interfere with sleep quality. Also, make sure that your bed is only for sleep. It shouldn’t be a place you watch TV or eat. Your brain will connect the bed with rest and understand when you lay down, that it is time for sleep.

See the Dentist Regularly

Having good oral health can also be a factor in how well you sleep. Find your local Ideal Dental office today and get a check-up to ensure your teeth are healthy, discuss sleep-related oral health issues, and more.

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