Should You Rinse After Brushing Your Teeth?

Brush, rinse, spit - done! Right? The truth is that if you're brushing your teeth twice daily – rinse or no-rinse – you're caring for your teeth, promoting good oral health, and preventing tooth loss. But there is a more correct way to do it. Here's why.

Understanding Fluoride Absorption

Toothpaste is formulated with a mineral called fluoride, its most important ingredient. Fluoride promotes oral health by making the outer surface of your tooth – your enamel – stronger, helping it resist decay. Fluoride can be absorbed systemically or topically. When you take oral fluoride, like the kind found in fluoridated tap water, it's absorbed internally and strengthens your teeth from the inside out. When you use toothpaste with fluoride, it's absorbed externally, or from the outside of the tooth.

Topical Fluoride Absorption

Topical fluoride needs to be in contact with your tooth for a longer period of time to be effective. You can achieve that in a couple of ways:

  • brush your teeth for at least two full minutes to get the greatest benefit from the fluoride in your toothpaste; this ensures at least two minutes of contact
  • avoid rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash immediately after brushing your teeth; wait at least a few minutes to give the fluoride more 'direct contact' time with your teeth

Prescription Fluoride Pastes

It's also important to note that over-the-counter kinds of toothpaste that can be bought in grocery stores or drug stores contain a very, very small amount of fluoride. Patients who need more fluoride due to dental problems like decalcification may be prescribed a paste that has higher fluoride content; these pastes are applied for a longer period of time and are not rinsed off.

The bottom line

The bottom line? Brushing your teeth twice a day is a win! Brushing them twice a day for a least two minutes is a level up, and brushing them twice a day for two minutes and spitting but not rinsing is the best-case scenario. To learn more about taking care of your teeth, find your local Ideal Dental office and schedule an appointment today.

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