Is It Safe to Visit the Dentist During COVID-19?

This time last year, our collective definition of safety looked extremely different than it does today. Instead of making sure we have our phone, keys, and wallet when we leave the house, many of us are adding hand sanitizer and masks to our out-the-door-essentials list.As our everyday life has shifted and altered, many questions remain for when and how we should navigate this new reality.Although we are doing everything we can to ensure your safety, just like we did before the pandemic, we understand that there still may be some unanswered questions. Is it really safe to visit the dentist during the pandemic? Let’s put it this way: it’s safe to visit Ideal Dental. We’ve completely reinvented the dental office experience to further protect you, our guests, and our team. The steps we’ve taken have allowed us to continue providing best-in-class dental care for communities throughout Texas.We’re going above and beyond the recommendations laid out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to maximize safety in every way. These new protocols have been in place since March 2020, so rest assured that they’ve been tested and validated. We’re also constantly monitoring and updating our office protocols to reflect any changes that may arise.

So, what does a visit to the Dentist look like?

When you arrive, you’ll notice our waiting rooms look a little different. The chairs are set 6 ft apart, and every guest and team member is required to wear a mask. If possible, we’ll take you back to the treatment room immediately. We’ll check your temperature at the door, just like we do for all of our team members when they arrive to work.Every treatment room is cleaned after each and every visit, and our office as a whole is cleaned front to back with hospital-grade cleaner multiple times throughout the day. To minimize contact, forms and payment will be done electronically wherever possible.We’re still the same helpful, friendly team from before, but now you’ll see us in more comprehensive PPE (personal protective equipment). We’re proud to be able to continue to serve as your trusted partner for dental care, and we thank you for your continued support. If you still have questions, check out our initiative Safe Teeth First.

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