How to Care for Dental Veneers

If you are the recipient of new dental veneers, you may be pleased to learn that the same steps you take every day to care for your natural teeth will also help protect your veneers. Here are the steps you should take.

Take Care of Your Teeth

Your veneers are only as healthy as your natural teeth and gums. Follow the same oral hygiene guidelines you do for your natural teeth: brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, and rinse with mouthwash at least once every day. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy will extend the life of your veneers (and your smile). If you're using abrasive toothpaste, now is a good time to switch to non-abrasive toothpaste to protect your veneers.

Chew Carefully

Your veneers are designed to function much like your natural teeth, so you shouldn't have to worry about chewing normal foods, but chewing on things like ice, fingernails, hard candies, or toothpicks can cause your veneers to chip or crack. Avoid putting non-food items in your mouth and chew carefully in case you bite into a small piece of bone or ice.

Protect Your Veneers From Stains

Limit or avoid foods that are known to cause stains to both your natural teeth and veneers like red wine, coffee, dark sodas, berries, and tea. If you smoke, quitting can help prevent permanent staining - and offer a myriad of health benefits. We recognize that avoiding these foods and drinks altogether can be challenging, so it's okay to indulge sometimes, but rinse or brush as soon as possible afterward when you do. This simple step can also help prevent discoloration and protect your new smile.

Wear a Mouthguard

While accurate statistics on the prevalence of dental injuries are hard to obtain, some studies suggest that as many as 80% of athletes have experienced a sports-related dental injury. While most of these injuries occur in contact sports, injuries also occur in non-contact sports and are more likely to occur when a mouthguard isn't worn. You can protect your new veneers by wearing a mouthguard while playing sports, regardless of the perceived level of risk.

Address Clenching and Grinding

If you clench or grind your teeth at night, it can damage both your natural teeth and your veneers. Mention clenching and grinding to your dentist - if he or she doesn't mention it first - so a night guard can be made to protect your new smile from nighttime damage.

Keep Up with Your Regular Dental Appointments

Once you have veneers, it's important to continue seeing your dentist every six months (or as previously scheduled - some patients need cleanings more frequently) for routine cleanings and exams. The sooner your dentist identifies a small cavity or other issues, the more treatment options you'll have, in most cases. Still have questions or ready to take the next step? Our caring, expert team is ready to help you get started. Find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule a visit with our dentists.

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