How to Care for Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, your dentist may recommend dental implants as a long-term solution. Dental implants offer several advantages over alternative treatments, such as increased durability, a more natural look, and no need to remove the appliance for cleaning. However, even though dental implants are known for their strength and longevity, you must still care for them properly. Below are some tips to help you care for your dental implants.

1. Brush and floss daily.

Having dental implants is similar to having your natural teeth. Even though the teeth themselves are artificial, you should still be brushing and flossing them on a daily basis. For the best results, you should be using a soft nylon toothbrush. Other toothbrushes with harder bristles may scratch the surface of your implants, whereas a soft brush will be gentle and flexible enough to avoid damaging these structures. Flossing is important for everyone, but it becomes even more important when you have dental implants. Without daily flossing, plaque can build up around your implants and cause issues.

2. Avoid smoking and alcohol use.

Smoking and drinking alcohol can compromise the integrity of your dental implants, especially when you are still in the process of healing. For this reason, it is best to limit both of these activities as much as possible in order to extend the life of your implants.

3. Avoid abrasive or intensely-flavored cleaners.

When purchasing toothpaste, mouthwash, or any other product used on your teeth and gums, avoid using anything harsh. Abrasive products may cause discomfort and damage your dental implants. You may also find that intense flavors cause discomfort as well.

4. Avoid foods that could damage your teeth.

Certain foods could damage your implants (check them out here) by putting too much stress on them. Examples include sticky foods like caramel, as well as very hard foods like hard candies and ice. Do your best to avoid these foods so you can protect your implants.

5. Keep regular appointments with your dentist.

Once you have healed from dental implant surgery, it is important to continue scheduling appointments with your dentist on a regular basis. Be sure to schedule a cleaning and checkup at least once every 6 months. Find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule a visit with our trusted dentists.

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