How to Address Dental Anxiety

While statistics vary greatly, there's one thing we know about dental anxiety: you aren't alone.As a broad estimate, one in four patients experiences dental anxiety that ranges from general nervousness to debilitating fear that prevents patients from seeking the care and treatment they need. Unfortunately, this fear can leave patients seeking care only for emergencies.

Steps You Can Take to Address Dental Anxiety

The good news is that there are steps you can take - and steps we can take - to help ease dental anxiety. A few of the things you can do to ensure a positive experience despite your worries and fear include:

  • Develop a relationship with your dentist outside of dental problems. For many patients, fear of the dentist has led to toothaches and emergencies, and then when they visit, they associate their pain and discomfort with the dentist's office which validates that association. While that may be the case for you now - and that's okay and expected - it's important to resolve the emergency and then establish a preventative relationship. See your dentist for routine cleaning and preventative appointments so you can celebrate success and establish rapport together.
  • Bring headphones and listen to your favorite podcast, calming soundtracks, or music during your visit. We're happy to accommodate headphones for your comfort.
  • Ask what to expect. Knowing what to expect, like how long the appointment will be, what it will feel like, and what the recovery period will look like, can ease fears and may prevent the guessing that often exacerbates that worry.
  • Shop around until you find a dentist who understands your concerns and works to help you feel comfortable. Having the right dentist can make it much easier to get the care you need when you experience dental anxiety, and in many cases, can help patients overcome dental anxiety altogether.
  • Let your dentist know how you feel. Your dentist and dental assistants are very familiar with dental anxiety and can help if they know about your fears. The sooner you share your worries with your dental office, the more they can do to reassure you and ensure a supportive experience.

How Dentists Can Help

At Ideal Dental, we know what an incredible impact dental anxiety can have on a patient's life and oral health. Our goal is to ensure that you feel comfortable sharing your concerns and receiving treatment in our office. We do that by:

  • Ensuring the environment is conducive to relaxation.
  • Providing caring, non-judgmental dental care.
  • Explaining the procedure prior to the appointment and then explaining each step of the procedure during the appointment.
  • Giving you a non-verbal way to let us know if you need a break for any reason, like raising your hand, so you know you're always in control of your appointment and your experience.

Schedule an Appointment

If you experience dental anxiety, our caring dentists are here to help you. Find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule a visit.

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