How Long Does It Take for Dental Implants to Settle?

How Long Does It Take for Dental Implants to Settle?

Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth, making them a popular alternative to dentures or bridgework. The process of getting dental implants is quite extensive, and while the timelines and protocols of dental implant surgery will vary from patient to patient, it will always involve several stages.The timeline for dental implants can range from six to nine months from beginning treatment to the conclusion of recovery, but it can sometimes be longer. The reason behind the extended timeline is that several procedures must be performed, and much of the time is dedicated to the healing process in between various phases.

Placing the Implant

Once you are ready to receive dental implant surgery, the first step is placing titanium implants into the missing teeth’s bone sockets. Usually, this procedure is done with IV sedation which helps with anxiety and usually lasts up to one hour per implant. If bone grafting is required, this process will be a little lengthier. A bone graft helps to build up the jawbone where recession or deterioration of bone tissue has occurred. The bone graft creates a solid base for the implants to be placed.Once the posts are implanted in the jawbone, a process known as osseointegration takes place. Osseointegration is the fusing of the implant with the bone and usually takes around four to six months. Once this process is complete and the posts are firmly integrated with the bone, the posts act as artificial tooth roots, and the patient is ready for the abutment.The abutment is a socket-shaped component where the custom-made crown will ultimately attach to the implant post. A temporary prosthesis may be provided by your dentist until the crown is crafted and ready.

Placing Your Custom Crowns

Once the jawbone is fully healed and ready to support the patient’s custom ceramic crowns, they are ready for the final step: the placement of the artificial teeth. This final step in the process is a simple in-office procedure.

What Benefits Come with Dental Implants?

  • Comfort - Dental implants offer more comfort than dentures because of the way they adapt to your mouth over time. They're also securely connected to your mouth and therefore function more like real teeth.
  • Easier eating - It can be difficult to eat with dentures due to their tendency to slide in your mouth. Dental implants make it easier to eat since they're stationary inside the mouth.
  • Durability - Dental implants are designed to last and can tolerate the constant use of your mouth for years. In many cases, implants can span a lifetime if cared for properly.
  • Clearer speech - Dental implants can lead to enhanced speech due to their alignment with your mouth’s natural shape.

What Risks Come With Dental Implants?

As with any procedure, some risks are associated with dental implant surgery, including infection at the implant site, nerve damage, and sinus issues. Consult your dentist to learn about all possible risks to take into consideration before scheduling your procedure.

Can I Expedite the Recovery Process?

There are several ways to speed up the recovery of your dental implants. Some of these methods include getting sufficient rest, taking your prescribed medication, limiting your physical activity, and eating soft foods. Be sure to consult your dentist for more ways that you can accelerate your recovery time and ensure optimal healing and settling.

Can I Afford Dental Implants?

The cost of dental implants can range anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000. However, the cost will vary depending on factors such as the number of implants, their location, etc. Dental implants are usually not covered under existing dental coverage plans, and anyone wanting to explore more payment options should consult their dentist for more information.

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