How Do You Fix Sensitive Teeth?

How Do You Fix Sensitive Teeth?

If a taste of ice-cold water or the first sip of piping hot coffee in the morning is painful, or if you notice yourself dreading brushing or flossing because of pain, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from this common problem of sensitive teeth.There are many causes of sensitive teeth, and the most common culprits of sensitive teeth pain are worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Occasionally this pain can be caused by other issues like a cracked or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or gum disease.If you’re suffering from sensitive tooth pain, visit your dentist. He or she can evaluate your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan, if necessary. Depending on the circumstances, you might need to make some minor behavioral changes or adopt some different oral care. Here are 6 things you can try at home to relieve sensitive teeth pain.

  1. Use a toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth.One immediate, easy way to help combat that annoying tooth pain is to switch to a toothpaste made specifically for sensitive teeth. Usually, these products contain fluoride to help keep cavities and other pain-causing problems at bay. They also contain a nerve-soothing agent which reduces the pain signals sent from your teeth and gums to your brain. This should help relieve some of your symptoms.
  2. Don’t use a hard toothbrush.In addition to switching toothpaste, an easy way to mitigate sensitivity is to use only soft toothbrushes for your daily hygiene routines. Hard, stiff bristles can be rough on your teeth and gums, which could create more gum and nerve exposure. This increased exposure can worsen sensitive tooth pain.
  3. Try a saltwater rinse.Saltwater mouth rinses can be an effective and easy way to combat bacteria and inflammation in your mouth. This pH-balancing process of saltwater gargling also reduces plaque, contributing to a healthier mouth, which means less pain for you. Creating a saltwater mouth rinse at home is easy. Simply combine ½ to ¾ tsp salt to a glass of lukewarm to warm water and mix. Swish the solution around in your mouth for up to 30 seconds. Spit out the solution.
  4. Oil pulling with coconut oil.Oil pulling has been an all-natural oral hygiene solution for years. But, don’t let the name confuse you, or make you think you need some sort of dental device - oil pulling simply refers to swishing liquified coconut oil around in your mouth. Coconut oil keeps bacteria from growing in your mouth, breaks down plaque, and it can help whiten teeth over time. The less bacterial growth in your mouth, the fewer causes of tooth pain. Simply buy high-quality coconut oil, melt a tablespoon, and swish in your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting out.
  5. Avoid problem foods and beverages.While it may be hard to break some food and drink habits, avoiding foods or beverages that you’ve noticed causing pain should be one of the first things you do when trying to reduce pain from sensitive teeth. Extremely hot foods and extremely cold foods can both be culprits of tooth pain and should be avoided. Additionally, acidic foods such as coffee, wine, and sodas can increase tooth sensitivities.
  6. Maintain Healthy RoutinesWhile there are many ways you can combat sensitive tooth pain from home, seeing a dentist and maintaining healthy oral hygiene routines can do wonders for your tooth pain. Be sure that you’re flossing regularly, brushing twice a day, and trying a few of the tips above to help with the pain. In addition to maintaining a healthy routine, seeing your dentist regularly to confirm there aren’t any more serious underlying causes of pain is essential to a pain-free life.

Additional Treatment Options for Sensitive Teeth

If your dentist discovers that there are reasons beyond routine wear, your dentist might recommend some additional treatment to correct any issues. Occasionally, dentists have to apply a bonding resin to sensitive root surfaces, surgically perform a gum graft, or even perform a root canal in order to stop the pain. While these might sound extreme, they are very safe and effective ways of eliminating tooth sensitivity in the long term.Don’t let tooth sensitivity keep you from the things you enjoy. There are many ways to prevent and correct the causes of sensitive teeth. See your dentist today to get back to being pain-free.

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