How Can I Get White Teeth in One Day?

How Can I Get White Teeth in One Day?

Over time, teeth can become discolored or yellowish. This discoloration is often caused by what we eat or drink. Certain types of diets can lead to teeth discoloration. Furthermore, plaque buildup will also lead to yellowing teeth. But your teeth don’t have to stay that way. Teeth whitening will brighten your smile once again.Investing in teeth whitening services is one way to whiten your teeth, but it isn’t the only way. There are some easy-to-use methods to whiten your teeth at home in as little as one day. Read on to find out how you can get back your gleaming white smile in just a short amount of time.

First, What Not to Use: Activated Charcoal

This method of teeth whitening uses activated charcoal to pull stains off of your teeth, but it's not recommended. Activated charcoal essentially binds to the stains and pulls them off. However, the problem with charcoal is that it's abrasive, and it can bind to important minerals that are also on your teeth—nutrients your teeth need to be healthy. There are plenty of other safer options out there that can take the place of whitening this way.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural teeth whitener, which is why it is an active ingredient in many kinds of toothpaste. This mildly abrasive ingredient works best to scrub away stains in the front of the teeth as it mixes with saliva.Baking soda can be mixed with another liquid to form a paste that can be applied to the surface of the teeth. For instance, if you mix baking soda with water to make a paste, you can leave the paste on for a few minutes and see a visibly whiter smile. If you use lemon juice instead of water, it only needs to be applied for one minute before rinsing it off.Studies have found that baking soda and toothpaste with baking soda are more effective at removing plaque and stains from teeth than ones without baking soda as an ingredient. Additionally, the higher the concentration of baking soda, the whiter your teeth. But baking soda isn’t just effective for whitening teeth. Another added benefit is that its alkaline properties can inhibit bacteria growth in the mouth for both a whiter and healthier smile.

Apple Cider Vinegar

For hundreds of years, apple cider vinegar has been used as a disinfectant to rid the mouth of bad bacteria. But it has also been shown to do more than that. Apple cider vinegar can also bleach and whiten the teeth. But because of its strong acidity, it has also been known to erode the enamel of the teeth. Therefore, it is not recommended for everyday use. When using apple cider vinegar to whiten teeth, only use it occasionally. Mix it with water, swish it around, spit it out, and then rinse again with water afterward.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Much like apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide can whiten, but it should be used carefully and only in small doses. Using a strong concentration can irritate gums, lead to tooth staining, or cause tooth sensitivity. But highly diluted hydrogen peroxide can work wonders at whitening your teeth. A 1.5% to 3% solution is recommended for best results.These home remedies can whiten teeth in no time, but for the most effective and long-lasting results, you will want to talk to your dentist about professional teeth whitening procedures.

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