Do Dental Fillings Hurt?

If you've been told you need a dental filling, you might be wondering if it will hurt and what to expect. In this blog, we'll help answer your questions about dental fillings to ease your worries and help you prepare for your dental appointment.

What is a Cavity?

A cavity is a small hole in your tooth, according to the American Dental Association. Cavities can occur anywhere on the tooth (like the biting surface, the cheek surface, the tongue surface, or between two teeth) and can become painful or lead to more serious problems if left untreated.

What is a Dental Filling?

The most common treatment for a cavity is a dental filling. As the name suggests, a filling fills the cavity or hole with a replacement substance to maintain function and prevent further decay. Fillings can be made of composite resin, which is the same color as your tooth; amalgam, which is silver in color; or gold. The kind of filling the dentist uses in your case will depend on the location of the tooth and other factors.

Do Dental Fillings Hurt?

When you're first seated in the exam room, the dental assistant will numb the treatment area with a topical anesthetic, which numbs your cheek and gums. Once the topical anesthetic has taken effect, the dentist will inject a stronger anesthetic to numb the treatment area completely. You might feel a little pinch when you receive the injection, but most patients don't describe it as painful. After a few minutes, your jaw and tongue will become numb and the dentist will begin work. He or she will use a hand tool to remove any decayed tooth and rinse the area thoroughly. You might feel some pressure, but you shouldn't feel any pain at all. Once the decay is removed and the tooth is clean, they place the filling. After your appointment, your tooth or gums might be a little sensitive or sore, but it should resolve within a day or two.

Addressing Dental Anxiety

Although dental fillings are typically pain-free, many patients experience anxiety related to dental procedures. Share your worries with your dentist ahead of time so they can let you know exactly what to expect, offer tips and tricks for easing your worries, and implement supportive measures during your appointment.

Scheduling a dental filling appointment

Dental fillings are one of the most common, least invasive restorations available. The team at Ideal Dental is eager to help you achieve your oral health goals without pain or shame; simply find your local Ideal Dental office today to take the first step.

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