Are Bleeding Gums Normal?

While it can be alarming to see blood in the sink after brushing or flossing your teeth, there are some situations in which bleeding gums are not cause for concern. In this blog post, we'll discuss when bleeding is normal and when you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to explore the cause of your bleeding.

When Bleeding Gums are Not Cause for Concern

In some cases, it's normal and expected to see a small amount of bleeding after brushing or flossing your teeth. Bleeding gums typically are not cause for concern when:

  • You're taking a blood thinner like Plavix, Coumadin, or Warfarin; these medications can make your gums bleed very easily.
  • You have just started flossing after a long break; it can take a few days for your gums to get used to flossing and they may bleed at first.
  • You're pregnant; pregnancy can cause a condition called pregnancy gingivitis, which leads to bleeding gums.
  • You're brushing your teeth too hard or using a medium or hard bristle brush, which are known to cause injury to the gums; switch to a soft-bristled brush.

When Bleeding Gums are Cause for Concern

In most cases, bleeding that is persistent or accompanied by soreness is a sign of gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue) and requires a visit to the dentist. You should schedule an appointment with your dentist if:

  • You don't regularly see a dentist and your gums are bleeding often or persistently.
  • Your bleeding gums are accompanied by discomfort or sensitivity that makes it hard to care for your teeth, and you don't brush or floss as often or as thoroughly as you should as a result.
  • You have known dental issues such as loose teeth, broken teeth, or visible decay.

Schedule an Appointment

Many patients avoid calling a dentist when they begin experiencing pain, discomfort, or dental problems because they fear judgment. The team at Ideal Dental understands all of the barriers to dental care that our patients face - fear, financial worries, and more - and provides compassionate care in a judgment-free zone. To learn more or get started, find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule a visit with our caring team.

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