5 Signs of Gum Disease

Without question, gum disease could be called the most pressing and most common oral health issue facing adults in the United States. However, the problem often goes undiagnosed because people either don't get regular dental checkups or don't recognize the signs that they have a problem.Gum disease is also one of the largest threats to your dental health, so it is incredibly important to obtain a diagnosis and work with a dentist to protect your gums. Here is a closer look at the prevalence of gum disease, as well as some of the signs that you should watch for that may indicate you have issues.

How Common is Gum Disease?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 47.2 percent of people over 30 have periodontal disease in this country. The prevalence of gum disease among individuals who are over 65 reaches as high as 70.1 percent. Men are more likely to be diagnosed than women, and people who smoke can also be at a greater risk.

A Look at the Signs of Gum Disease

1. Red or Swollen Gums

This is often the first sign of gum disease, but the problem is easily shrugged off as not related. Your gum tissue can get inflamed when you eat something too salty or even when there is an overaccumulation of bacteria in your mouth. However, when the problem persists, it is time to talk to a dentist.

2. Bad Taste in Your Mouth or Bad Breath

Gum disease is directly caused by excess bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria create a film on the teeth, and tartar collects below the gumline. Unfortunately, no matter how much your brush or floss, these pockets of bacteria are hard to reach. This often leads to a bad taste in your mouth or bad breath.

3. Bleeding Gums

Everyone's gums can bleed at some point, even with something as simple as aggressive brushing. However, if you experience ongoing problems with bleeding gums, this is a good indicator that your gums are inflamed and soft due to periodontal disease.

4. Shrinking Gums

When gum disease is not addressed, the soft tissue that protects the base of your teeth can start to deteriorate. This often causes the gums to look like they are pulling away from the teeth or even shrinking.

5. Teeth That Feel Loose

Loose teeth are never something that should be ignored. This often means that gum disease has progressed to such an extensive point that the gums are no longer properly supporting your teeth. While this kind of symptom is scary, the issue can be addressed with gum disease treatment.

Talk to a Dentist About Gum Disease Risks and Prevention

Your dentist is your first line of defense when it comes to thwarting the risks of gum disease. If you suspect that you may be at risk, and especially if you have already spotted signs of a problem, find your local Ideal Dental office to schedule an appointment today.

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