20 Reasons to See Your Dentist in 2020

  1. You just might land your dream job. According to the American Dental Association, 28% of young adults believe that “the appearance of [their] mouth and teeth affect[s] [their] ability to interview for a job. The best person to help you regain your confidence? A dentist! He or she has your best interests in mind and wants you to leave smiling bigger and brighter than when you arrived.
  2. It’ll help with your confidence. 1 in 4 adults avoids smiling due to the condition of their mouth and teeth. 2020 is the year you start smiling with your teeth - with the help of your dentist!
  3. You’ll feel better physically and mentally. 35% of young adults have difficulty biting and chewing. The top reported health problem? Pain. While you might be able to justify putting that dentist appointment off for another month, your mouth - and pain receptors - will thank you...so book it ASAP!
  4. It’ll help you get ahead. 82% of people believe straight, bright teeth help you get ahead in life. Whether it’s psychosomatic or not, it’s pretty hard to deny the positive feelings associated with a freshly cleaned mouth...and a dentist appointment that’s crossed off your checklist.
  5. You’ll actually be ahead. 77% of adults say they plan to visit the dentist within the next year, but only 37% of adults actually went. Despite this, 95% of people agree that regular dental visits keep them healthy. You be the judge.
  6. It will give you peace of mind. Just like it’s good to establish a primary care doctor when you’re healthy, the same applies to your dentist. If you see your dentist on a regular basis for annual cleanings and checkups, it will be much less stressful to visit if you have pain or an oral health issue.
  7. You’ll save money. It’s much easier and much cheaper to address oral problems early on. A tiny cavity can easily be fixed for a small fee, but a deeper decayed tooth might require an expensive root canal or a crown. The best way to avoid this is early detection.
  8. It’ll improve your breath. Do you brush and floss, but still suffer from bad breath? Halitosis can be a result of leftover food particles, dry mouth, or tobacco use - but it can also be the result of a liver ailment, kidney problem, chronic bronchitis, or sinusitis! Your dentist can diagnose and treat your bad breath at your very first appointment.
  9. You’re doing what’s best for your teeth. Proper brushing and flossing twice a day are great ways to take care of your smile. But, no matter how clean your mouth is, it’s almost impossible to get plaque and tartar at home. That’s exactly where your dental team comes in!
  10. It’s probably been a while. Even if you have impeccable oral hygiene, and your teeth look and feel great, it’s still important to see your dentist on a regular basis. Things may look fine on the surface, but only a dentist can diagnose and treat any underlying oral problems.
  11. You want to avoid bigger problems. The signs and symptoms of oral cancer aren’t always easy to spot. Because of this, it’s incredibly important to visit your dentist, who is highly trained to recognize and catch oral cancer. The more regularly you visit your dentist, the easier it is to diagnose and treat any symptoms of the disease early on.
  12. It helps prevent cavities. At home, it’s easy to miss small areas of the mouth, even if you’re brushing and flossing diligently. Regular dental cleanings prevent tartar from eroding your teeth or creating holes in them, which is how cavities are formed. You can prevent cavities from forming, but after the tooth is decayed, it can only be treated - not reversed.
  13. You’ll learn to keep bad habits in check. What do chewing ice, biting your nails, clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, eating sticky sweets, brushing too hard, and smoking have in common? They’re all bad for your teeth! When you go for regular checkups, your dental team will discuss these bad habits with you and help you change or alter your lifestyle to prevent further damage.
  14. It’s the best way to keep from losing your head… and your teeth! 48% of high-income adults and 74% of low-income adults accept that they will lose some teeth with age. This may have been the case years ago, at a time when dentures seemed to be the only solution. Today, three-quarters of people over 65 retain at least some of their natural teeth. Why? Regular visits to the dentist, which help address problems early to prevent tooth decay and eventual loss.
  15. Your whole body will thank you. You might be surprised to learn that your oral health and your overall well-being are strongly correlated. How? The condition of your gums and teeth impacts your circulatory system, digestive system, and reproductive system - just to name a few. Good oral health means reducing your risk for serious issues throughout your entire body.
  16. It’s a great investment - and one that you can afford. We accept all major insurance plans and offer flexible financing, as well as payment options. Whether you’re here for a free teeth whitening (yep, we do that!) or a new set of veneers, we’ve got you - and your wallet - covered.
  17. You’re much closer to the dentist than you think. With over 70 locations, same-day emergency care, and convenient hours (including Saturdays!), it’s easier than ever before to get an appointment when you need one.
  18. It’s a lot less scary than you imagine. Our offices are welcoming, modern facilities chock full of people who are happy to have you here. Our team of dental professionals offers stress-free care, an exclusive warranty, and 100% accident coverage - plus advanced technology and continuing education courses to make sure we’re up to date on everything tooth-related.
  19. You can get it all done here - yes, even that. Have a question about a procedure we offer? Want to know if root canals are really as scary as they sound? Want to learn more about this Invisalign stuff, but not sure who - or even what - to ask? We offer a wide variety of services (and free answers to tough questions) all in one place.
  20. It’s a small amount of effort with a big payoff. Do you have an extra busy lifestyle? Not a lot of time during the week? Prefer a neighborhood spot? Need an appointment yesterday? Ideal Dental is here for you, whenever and however you need us. No matter what your relationship to the dentist has been in the past, our guests walk out with confidence, knowing that we’ve got them covered - for everything from implants to Invisalign.

All we ask is that you trust us enough to come and see why we offer the best for our guests.

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