A Comprehensive Guide to Celebrating Tooth Fairy Day*

*Don’t worry, parents and caregivers! This article is safe to read with your children. We’ll document the history of the tooth fairy without ruining the fun for anyone. If you’re still wary, we suggest giving this article a once-over before you share it with your young children. At this point in time, there’s roughly 1,500 national “days” that can be celebrated. In February alone, you can enjoy Singles Awareness Day on the 15th (sorry, y’all), National Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th, and even the very niche “Crab Stuffed Flounder Day” on the 18th.But what we’re interested in is something even more special: National Tooth Fairy Day! On February 28th, you and your family have the opportunity to look back at history’s favorite little fairy AND enjoy teaching your children good dental hygiene in the process – win win!Here, we’ll walk you through the history of our favorite character, provide some interesting factoids, and share some of our favorite ways to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

Where Does the Tooth Fairy Come From? For Parents

As far as North American children’s mythology is concerned, 3 figures stand out as the pillars of tradition: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. While the origin of Santa and Bunny are well documented in Christian and pagan traditions, far less is known about our favorite flying friend.In order to understand the origins of the much beloved little lady, we have to go back a ways – but shockingly, not as far as you might think! The tooth fairy’s first recorded verbal reference dates her back approximately to the turn of the 20th century, while her first print appearance occurred in 1927, in an 8-page playlet for children written by Esther Watkins Arnold.Sometime during the 1970s, a radio DJ in Chicago made reference to this elusive elf, which resulted in endless calls to the American Dental Association from curious parents and children wishing to know more about this flighty sprite. Around the same time, Rosemary Wells, a professor at Northwestern University’s Dental School, decided to look into things herself. What she couldn’t have predicted was the extent of her interest. At one point, Wells was running her very own tooth fairy museum out of her home! Not only did she go on the Oprah Winfrey Show to talk about the tooth fairy, but she also ended up having to clarify to the Chicago Tribune that she wasn’t the tooth fairy, but “…the Tooth Fairy consultant.” In fact, it said so on her business card!

Who is The Tooth Fairy? For Kids!

According to our friends at Kitsap Kid’s Dentistry, The Tooth Fairy lives in a huge white castle with towers, and even a sparkly moat! Every tooth she collects goes into the creation of her house… except teeth with cavities or dark spots. Since these teeth are very special, the tooth fairy grinds them into fairy dust that she uses to power her travels to earth, as well as her magic wand.There are many different types of fairies, but becoming the Tooth Fairy is the biggest honor there is! All Tooth Fairies start out as Dream Fairies, who work to banish nightmares and make sure that all children have sweet dreams. Right before the Tooth Fairy retires, she gets to choose the Dream Fairy who has banished the worst bad dreams to take her place.Since she is very small and very quiet, she can easily float through closed windows and even walls with her magical powers. If you start to wake up when the tooth fairy is replacing your tooth with money, she will put you right back to sleep with a sprinkle of fairy dust.Currently, the tooth fairy usually leaves an average of about $3.70 – but this can vary widely depending on the size of the tooth, and when and how it was lost.Sometimes, the tooth fairy doesn’t leave money at all! Since healthy teeth are very important to her, she will sometimes give you a new toothbrush, some tasty toothpaste, or even a special coupon for a trip to the park, a movie with mom and dad, or another one of your favorite activities.

Does the Tooth Fairy Visit Kids from Other Countries? For Kids & Parents

In many countries around the world, children leave their teeth not for a fairy, but for a mouse or rat. Just like the tooth fairy, this creature brings them money or other prizes in exchange for their baby tooth.French children hope for money from La Petite Souris, while many Spanish-speaking nations offer their baby teeth to Ratóncito Pérez. In Argentina, children put their tooth in a glass of water for El Raton de Los Dientes, the tooth mouse, who comes to drink the water, take the tooth, and leave the prize behind in the empty cup.On the other hand, Japanese children are encouraged to throw their loose teeth. Lower teeth are typically thrown upward toward the roof, and upper teeth are usually thrown downward toward the ground.Did you see this article too late to celebrate on February 28th? Don’t despair! There’s another observance on August 22nd. Another thing that you should celebrate twice a year? A dental cleaning! Call us today to schedule yours – and make sure you keep your favorite tooth fairy traditions in mind to share at your appointment!

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